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- Yogi Joseph* and Govind Gopakumar. A Contingent Publicness: Entangling on Buses. Urban Studies (accepted), 2023.
- Mahmood-Reza Pooyan*, Abobakr Al-Sakkaf, Eslam M. Abdelkader, Tarek Zayed, Govind Gopakumar. An Integrated Framework for Selecting Optimum Project Delivery System in Post-conflict Construction Projects. International Journal of Civil Engineering (accepted), 2023
- Govind Gopakumar and Yogi Joseph*. Building a BUS: Technoscience and the emerging mode of organizing interventions in Indian Cities, Dialogue: Science, Scientists and Society, 2022,
- Placing Automobility in the Global South: Towards an Ontology of a Displaced Past, Journal of Transport History, 43(2): 172-193, 2022.
- The Global Embedding of Automobility: The case for a hybrid framework of analysis in STS & Energy Social Science Research. Energy Research & Social Science, 78, 102148, 2021.
- Regime of Congestion: Technopolitics of Mobility and Inequality in Bengaluru, India, Science as Culture, 29(3), 2020.
- NC Narayanan, Isha Ray, Govind Gopakumar, Poonam Argade. Towards sustainable urban sanitation: A capacity-building approach to wastewater mapping for small towns in India. Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development, 8(2): 227-37, 2018.
- David Sadoway*, Govind Gopakumar, Vinay Baindur, and Madhav G. Badami. JNNURM as a window on urban governance – Its Institutional Footprint, Antecedents and Legacy. Economic & Political Weekly, 53, 2: 71-81, 2018.
- David Sadoway*, Govind Gopakumar. (Un)bundling Bangalore: Infrastructure bundling best practices and assembling novel scapes. Geoforum, 79: 46-57, 2017.
- “Social Life of a Bus” Journal of Video Ethnography, 3, 1, Spring 2016.
- Intrusiveness of Urban Renewal in India. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 36, 1: 89-106, 2015.
- Christopher Gore and Govind Gopakumar, Infrastructure and Metropolitanization: Understanding and comparing the relationship in cities of Africa and India. Journal of Urban Affairs 37, 5: 548-67, 2015.
- Who will Decongest Bengaluru? Politics, Infrastructures, & Scapes. Mobilities, 10, 2: 310-25, 2015.
- Brandiff Caron, Govind Gopakumar, Deborah Dysart-Gale and Matthew Harsh, Navigating a Constitutional Moment: Reflections on Implementing Graduate Attributes in Canadian Engineering Education. Engineering Studies 6, 1: 44-61, 2014.
- Public Leadership Framework: Approaches to Diversify Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 4, 1: 43-48, 2014.
- Teaching global engineering in Canada, learning informality of the Global South. European Journal of Engineering Education. 39, 4: 349-364, 2014.
- Experiments and Counter-Experiments in the Laboratory of Water Supply Partnerships in Bengaluru, India, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38, 2: 393-412, 2014.
- Policy Transmission: The emerging policy dynamic of water supply infrastructure development in India. Water Policy 13, 3: 375-92, 2011.
- Transforming Water Supply Regimes in India: Do Public Private Partnerships play a role? Water Alternatives 3, 3: 492-511, 2010.
- Sustainability & the indispensability of politics: A study of sanitation partnerships in urban India. International Journal of Sustainable Society 2, 4: 376-392, 2010.
- Investigating Degenerated Peripheralization in urban India: The Case of Water Supply Infrastructure and Urban Governance in Chennai. Publics Works Management and Policy, 14, 2: 109-29, 2009.
- Developing Durable Infrastructures: Politics, Social Skill and Sanitation Partnerships in Urban India. Review of Policy Research, 26, 5: 571-87, 2009